Phone: 850-916-7766 Fax: 850-916-5144
1118 Gulf Breeze Parkway,
Suite 201,
Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561
(Behind the Gulf Breeze Hospital)
Harvest Village, 7552 Navarre Parkway, Unit 18, Navarre, FL 32566
(Behind Vinnie R's Italian Restaurant)
Karen E. Kennedy, MD announces the
MonaLisa Touch™ Laser Treatment
in GULF BREEZE and the Florida panhandle
I am very excited to be the first practice in Northwest FL to offer patients the revolutionary new procedure called MonaLisa Touch™! The MonaLisa Touch™ procedure is a fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser designed to address gynecologic health.
MonaLisa Touch™ Events
We offer seminars that focus on several different topics, including the MonaLisa Touch™ procedure. You can inquire about the next seminar to be held
at our Gulf Breeze office, to discuss appointments for free consults, or to schedule a treatment by calling our GULF Breeze office at 850-916-7766. These seminars are normally presented after office hours, in the early evening.
Additional MonaLisa Touch™ Information
MonaLisa Touch™ is the first laser being used for the treatment of vaginal and vulvar genitourinary syndrome of menopause, or vaginal atrophy, as well as postmenopausal, low hormone, pain, urinary, and skin conditions. It shows remarkable improvement with painful intercourse, lack of moisture, loss of vaginal tone, vaginal dryness and itching, vulvar skin conditions, lichen sclerosus, vulvar and vaginal pain. It also helps decrease frequent bladder infections or UTI's, urinary urgency, urine leaking, and getting up to urinate at night. It works to restore the thickness of the vaginal wall to a pre-menopausal state, and restores the fibroblasts, collagen, surface cells, and moisture. Many women also report improvement in genital function and sensation and responsiveness.
This remedy is ideal for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, breast cancer survivors including those on anti-estrogen breast cancer medications, women who have undergone hysterectomies, and women who prefer to not take hormones. It works to treat symptoms more reliably than hormones. It can be used in conjunction with hormones to obtain best results.
The revolutionary MonaLisa Touch™ Laser treatment is pain-free, performed in the office setting, takes just 5-8 minutes, and requires no anesthesia or medications! This minimally invasive, painless therapy is performed in three
treatments spaced six weeks apart. It is recommended that women get a support treatment once yearly. Patients return to premenopausal vaginal health. Before this, we had a limited number of treatment options, and many patients cannot use standard therapies. This opens up a completely new avenue of treatment for a majority of women.
The laser works by stimulating and promoting the regeneration of collagen fibers and the restoration of hydration and elasticity within the vaginal epithelium and mucosa. The laser is able to release energy through a special pulse that penetrates beneath the vaginal and skin surface to stimulate the synthesis of new collagen and new blood vessels. This results in more thickness and rugae of the vaginal mucous, increased moisture and improved lubrication, and decreased pH, all of which restores the vagina to a state similar to before menopause.
Women whom I have treated have the following responses: "The night after the first treatment, I slept through the whole night instead of getting up one or two times to urinate." "A week after the first treatment, I had sex with my husband with no pain, for the first time in years.*"
The MonaLisa Touch™ has been used for over four years worldwide to treat over 100,000 women. More than 30,000 women have been treated in the U.S. There are no reports of any major adverse effects, which is very unique in the medical industry.
The equipment manufacturer has produced a brochure called the "MonaLisa Touch Patient Brochure", which you can view by clicking on the link: MonaLisa Touch Brochure
Call the office at 850-916-7766 for dates of seminars and appointments for free consults. There are low introductory rates and discounts.
* Results may vary.
Phone: 850-916-7766 Fax: 850-916-5144
1118 Gulf Breeze Parkway
Suite 201
Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561
Behind the Gulf Breeze Hospital.